Skydio提供的自主无人机没有中国供应链的风险。然而,在美国大选前几天,中国的制裁切断了其重要的电池供应,暴露了它的弱点。 Laura Morton for The New York Times 在廉价无人机的世界里,Skydio是美国人最大的希望 ...
The US Army transforms warfare by introducing advanced Skydio and GhostX unmanned aircraft systems, which replace the MQ-1 ...
Washington's new curbs on China's semiconductor industry are fanning fears that Beijing could strike back, as trade tensions ...
可以想见,Skydio如今陷入了怎样的绝境。其在市场份额方面本就表现欠佳,现在或许连已有的订单都不能按时交付给客户了,这完全是咎由自取。据供应链方面的消息证实,这家美国企业在电池供应上已无其他替代方案。目前它正面临着退出中国市场的风险,而美国高层事务 ...
The largest US drone maker struggles with supply chain disruption after selling drones to Taiwan's fire departments, with ...
American drone manufacturer Skydio has raised an extension round of $170 million, adding to the $230 million Series E it closed early last year. The new tranche of funding brings in strategic ...
美国《纽约时报》近日刊登文章,指责中国制裁美国无人机企业斯凯迪奥(Skydio)是搞所谓“供应链战”,还点名环球时报社评《被中方制裁的美企“喊疼”撕开美式假面》,却只字不提斯凯迪奥是因为涉及美国对台军售才遭遇中方制裁的事实。通过发明一个新词来行使话语 ...
The 317th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division is the first unit Army-wide to be ...
在智能科技飞速发展的今日,无人机技术不仅改变了我们的生活方式,更在多个领域展示了其前所未有的潜力和应用场景。2024年,越来越多的领先无人机企业如DJI、Skydio等,通过深度学习和计算机视觉技术的应用,使无人机在复杂环境下的导航和任务执行能力达到了新高度。这种突破性的进展引发了包括农业、物流、救援等行业的广泛关注与热议。那么,遥遥领先的无人机究竟有多强呢? 当前,无人机的智能化水平正通过人工智 ...
A series of swipes at American companies show how China could take the initiative in a new trade war, using its economic ...
Adam Bry, Skydio co-founder and CEO, and Rick Smith, Axon founder and CEO, joins 'Closing Bell Overtime' to talk there ...
Un reciente artículo de The New York Times señala que China libra una batalla en el tema de la cadena de suministro al ...