The Asian Development Bank announced today that Mr. KANDA Masato, Special Advisor to Japan’s Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, was unanimously elected as its President. I would like to ...
According to the supplementary budget for FY2024, the Ministry of Finance will after the JGB Issuance Plan for FY2024 as follows.
• Regarding 40-Year Bonds, a dominant opinion is that it was appropriate to reduce the issuance size because the demand was declining due to the progress to meet the regulatory requirements of life ...
• As well as the opinions of participants at the Meeting of JGB Market Special Participants, a dominant opinion was that it would be appropriate to reduce the issuance amount of super long-term bonds ...
・Purchases and Sales of Foreign Securities by Residents by Types of Investors ...
Ref Index for the n th day of the m th month Ref Index for the 10 th day of the issue month (interest payment month) [3] [1] CPI means the Japan Consumer Price Index, which represents the general ...
令和6年12月10日に実施を予定している借入金の入札の概要は下記のとおりです。 国庫の資金繰りにより上記の借入予定額を変更することがあり得ますが、その場合には事前に公表することとします。
令和6年度国債発行計画等を変更しました 本日閣議決定された令和6年度補正予算に基づき、次のとおり令和6年度国債発行計画及び令和6年度政府保証債発行予定額を変更しましたので、お知らせします。 令和6年度国債発行予定額(補正後)(PDF:152KB) 令和6年度カレンダーベース市中発行額(補正後)(PDF:138KB) ...