An international research team has used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to observe massive galaxies discovered by the ...
In mid-October of this year, Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS graced the evening sky with its magnificent appearance. Its incredible ...
総合研究大学院大学の天文科学専攻では、天文学研究に強い意欲を持つ学部生を対象に、夏休み期間中、国立天文台の各キャンパスで指導教員のもと研究に取り組む「サマーステューデント」プログラムを毎年実施しています。コロナ禍ではオンラインでの ...
NGC 5257 and NGC 5258 are gravitationally interacting galaxies of similar size and mass in the constellation Virgo. The pair of spiral galaxies, also known as Arp 240, has a bridge-like interacting ...
The following table lists the broad-band filters currently installed in MOIRCS, together with their estimated sensitivities. Our broad band filters are designed to follow the MKO filter system ...
説明 : Low Res. (84 KB) / Mid. Res. (255 KB) / High Res. (1.5MB) おとめ座の方向にあるNGC 5257 と NGC 5258 は、お互いの重力で相互作用する衝突銀河です。同じような大きさと質量 の渦巻銀河のペアで、銀河間が星の淡い橋 でつながっている様子が、まるで2人のダンサー ...
The Subaru Telescope site is located on the summit of Mauna Kea, at approximately 14,000 feet. Visitors may suffer symptoms of severe mountain sickness. The altitude may also aggravate pre-existing ...
The Call for Proposals for Semester S25A received 132 submitted proposals for the Normal and Intensive Programs requesting a total of 365.5 nights. After screening by TAC, 97.4 (including 14.5ToO) ...
Job Summary Regular, Full-Time, RCUH Non-Civil Service position with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), located in Maunakea and Hilo, Hawai‘i. Continuation of employment is ...
NGC 4123 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Virgo. This galaxy appears nearly face-on, showing its impressive grand-design spiral arms. A faint small galaxy is seen to the left, ...
自然科学研究機構国立天文台ハワイ観測所が運用する 口径 8.2 メートルの光学赤外線望遠鏡です。