Please note that the displayed prices are offer prices and not transaction prices. The calculated monthly prices consider all offers which were current at any given time of that month (and which were ...
The basis for the following price lists are current offers and requests in the material exchange "Recybase". The real time effect is obtained by the process of calculating the average prices anew ...
Der international tätige Distributeur Biesterfeld und Delrin bauen ihre Zusammenarbeit aus. Mit sofortiger Wirkung erhält Biesterfeld die Vertriebsrechte für das Acetal-Homopolymer „Delrin“ im ...
06.12.2024 - Sascha Otten ist ab Dezember 2024 neuer Director Sales & Service bei der Albrecht Bäumer GmbH & Co. KG aus Freudenberg. Sascha Otten hat seine gesamte berufliche Laufbahn in ...
KIMIDE e.K. is an internationally oriented company based in 06184 Kabelsketal, Germany. The company's activities are focused on waste management, commercial agency, raw materials trading distribution, ...