Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2243, 我在官方AM2732+2*AWR2243两片级联的Demo中导入了以太网模块,使能了CPSW,添加了PHY驱动以及LWIP协议栈。目前通过.map文件看下来,添加以太网模块前后MSS_L2空间占用情况如下: 添加以太网模块前: ...
I have collected data activating all 12 Tx and 16 Rx. I read all the bin files (master and slaves) using fread(fid, 'int16'). Total number of samples are correct as per the set parameters. Total ...
Verified the I2C address of the INA228 using HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady --> no detection of INA228, i saw in a post that HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady had a bug (i'm using V1.11.0), so i stopped relying on it.
It's on SDK 9.2. We want to changed the debug uart baudrate from 115200 to 921600. It's ok to do it on linux kernel. But on u-boot, tiboot3, tispl, I config it as ...
Now we want to do our own custom board, we want to play AWRL1432 and AWR2944 chips on the same board, AWRL1432 (short range radar) for automatic parking, AWR2944(long range radar ) for AEB(Automatic ...
Texas Instruments (TI) Power management support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search power management IC ...
Regarding the discretization of 3P3Z (bilinear transform, Tustin), it was found that the calculation of A2 in the document was not the same as in other literatures referred to by the customer. I also ...
We are integrating TI's Jacinto (TDA4) and Sitara (AM26XX) MCAL. We have query regarding Cdd module name and file structures. For Jacinto (TDA) family the cdd modules are named as CddMODULENAME For ...
I modified the configuration of a customer board based on the AM62x-evm, and the image and sdk can be successfully compiled through the command. $ MACHINE=am62xx-customer bitbake tisdk-customer-image ...
We can't pull a video stream from the camera right now,We want to read the register to confirm the csirx status,Which register should we read? Can you provide a read instruction?
This query is for DLPM980E2EVM (not for DLPM2000EVM): This product SKU DLPM980E2EVM was recently added to our portfolio. It is not found on the T.I website. Can you please confirm this is a valid SKU ...