In the late 1990s aspiring comedian Tomoaki Hamatsu, nicknamed Nasubi, lived inside a small room for 15 months surviving off sweepstake competition winnings. He was naked, alone and hungry. He was ...
Unaware that he was being filmed, he competed in challenges for basic survival. His story of loneliness and struggle is now ...
1998年,一位22岁的搞笑艺人Nasubi,在公开试镜中被随机选中,成为电视制作人土屋敏夫制作的一档极限综艺节目《Denpa Shonen》的嘉宾。 他按节目要求住进日本的一间小公寓里,房间里只有一支笔、一张空白明信片、一部电话和一个装满杂志的架子 ...
In 1998, a man was confined to a room without clothes or food as he competed for prizes for over a year. A new feature ...
Directed by British filmmaker Clair Titley, The Contestant recounts the story of Tomoaki “Nasubi” Hamatsu, who, in 1998, became the star of a Japanese reality series that stripped him down ...
HAVING been stripped, forced to eat dog food to prevent starvation and deprived of human contact for hundreds of days, Nasubi ...
When Tomoaki Hamatsu, an aspiring comedian from Fukushima, found himself at an audition at Japan’s Nippon TV in the late ...
Clair Titley’s The Contestant examines a sensationalist moment in TV history, before Big Brother meant reality became an ...
Key Points Tomoaki Hamatsu, better known as Nasubi, has been dubbed one of the world’s first reality TV stars. As part of the '90s Japanese TV series Susunu Denpa Shounen, he spent 15 months ...
Nasubi appeared on Japanese TV in 1998, before The Truman Show and Big Brother In 1998, a Japanese man was stripped naked and left alone in an almost-empty apartment as part of a challenge for a ...
Unearthing one of the most shocking instances of reality television of the '90s, Titley talks to the man who was haunted by ...
In 1998, Japanese TV show Dempa Shonen aired a segment called A Life In Prizes. It featured a naked man (save for an ...