Walt Disney Animation Studios is back with the thrilling sequel Moana 2, as the Disney Princess returns to the big screen to ...
Disney’s Moana 2 sailed past the box-office doldrums of 2024 and crested all riptides of financial expectation to solidify a ...
After the Christmas tree lighting, NBC will air Jimmy Fallon's Holiday Seasoning Spectacular, which comes after the release ...
Disney sequel may have conquered the box office, but it still feels like a cut-together version of the TV series it was ...
A whirlwind three weeks of the Into Film Festival came to a close with a special pupil premiere of Disney's 'Moana 2'.
Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, known as Barlow & Bear, composed the songs for 'Moana 2' and 'The Unofficial Bridgerton ...
Ayala Malls Cinemas hosted an afternoon of island fun and adventure as fans and families attended the premiere of Moana 2, the highly anticipated follow-up to hit animated musical Moana. The premiere, ...
Buffalo Bills wide receiver Amari Cooper pitches to Bills quarterback Josh Allen for an improvised hook-and-ladder touchdown.
The holiday season has worked its magic at the box office, drawing massive crowds over Thanksgiving weekend. The five-day ...
Streaming powers theaters again, multiple blockbusters can coexist, and there's no box office recovery without Disney at full strength ...