最近两年,人工智能技术发展一日千里,现阶段,AI已不是博人眼球的噱头了,包括文心一言、豆包和通义千问等在内的各种国产AI工具,已经切切实实地成为了大家生活、工作的得力助手。不过,凡事有利就有弊,目前世界各国有关人工智能的监管法规并不完善,而人工智能需 ...
All of the recent hullabaloo surrounding Microsoft 365's 'connected experiences' has been a misunderstanding, per the company ...
A tweet claiming that Microsoft Office uses the content of customer documents to train its AI systems raised a ...
Microsoft's 'optional' Connected Experiences enable Microsoft to use Excel and Word files to train its AI technology, but it ...
最近有用户称,微软将Office套件里的“连接体验”功能默认为启用状态,使用用户生成的内容来训练自己的AI模型。对此,微软澄清,没有使用其Microsoft ...
While vigilance in protecting your data is always advisable, the company assures that analytical connected experiences in ...
Microsoft has recently debunked an ongoing rumors about users' Office docs being used by the company to train its AI.
In the latest controversy, Microsoft has refuted the claim stating that it doesn't use Word documents or Excel data to train ...
Microsoft has denied allegations that it uses customer data from its Microsoft 365 apps to train artificial intelligence (AI) ...
Microsoft's 'optional' Connected Experiences enable Microsoft to use Excel and Word files to train its AI technology, but it ...
Updated Microsoft's Connected Experiences option in its productivity suite has been causing consternation amid accusations ...
Reports that the tech giant is taking user data through its best known business software to train its AIs follows a global ...