Douglas Reilly, Vice President and General Manager of Lucasflim Games, has revealed that the studio would be interested in ...
Indiana Jones has been such an iconic character that he has inspired generations of new heroes, and nowhere is that more ...
近期,经典游戏《夺宝奇兵:古老之圈》已完成在Xbox和PC平台上的发行,并且已经受到了来自媒体和玩家们的一致好评。负责开发该游戏的MachineGames公司正在积极地进行后续的DLC开发以及PS5版本的升级。在接受采访时, ...
The story of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle follows archaeologist Indiana Jones in October of 1937 as he attempts to thwart various groups seeking to harness a power connected to the titular Great ...
【天极网IT新闻频道】 本周,备受期待的《夺宝奇兵:古老之圈™》 (Indiana Jones and the Great Circle™)现已发布,支持带有超分辨率和帧生成功能的NVIDIA DLSS 3和全景光线追踪。
虽然现在要得到这方面的具体答案还为时尚早,但卢卡斯影业游戏公司 (Lucasfilm ...
不过眼尖的玩家们可能已经发现了:在陶德身后的书柜上,有一个名为“Fallout 5 Character”的盒子,其上还有着齿轮Logo以及数字“5”,被不少玩家视作是《辐射5》有望的最强有力信息。
Publisher Bethesda Softworks and developer MachineGames has just released Indiana Jones and the Great Circle and Lucasfilm Games [...] ...
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle opens up in the best way possible, especially given its aim to be as accurate as possible ...