盟博 (Mediabrands)是IPG集团旗下的媒介和营销解决方案品牌群通过其全案服务的代理网络UM优盟和Initiative 极致传媒,以及屡获殊荣的专业代理品牌 Reprise,MAGNA,Orion,Rappot ...
Omnicom Group will acquire Interpublic Group, the companies confirmed, in a deal that will create the world’s largest ...
Two of global advertising's "Big Four" are setting their rivalry aside in a multibillion-dollar stock-for-stock deal.
据报道,全球领先的美国广告公司Omnicom和Interpublic正在洽谈一项价值超过300亿美元的合并交易,可能会创建全球最大广告公司,超越法国Publicis集团和英国WPP集团。目前,AI工具正在对整个广告行业造成重大冲击,所有广告公司都不得 ...
Omnicom is buying Interpublic Group in a stock-for-stock deal that will create an advertising powerhouse with combined annual ...
宏盟集团 (Omnicom)同意收购 Interpublic Group ,缔造全球最大的广告公司,从而证实了《华尔街日报》 (The Wall Street Journal)早些时候的报道。
The combined agency will be worth over $30 billion once the stock-for-stock deal closes.
Omnicom is buying Interpublic Group in a stock-for-stock deal that will create an advertising powerhouse. The combined ...
Omnicom ( NYSE: OMC) to acquire Interpublic ( NYSE: IPG) in a stock-for-stock transaction, sending the peer advertising ...
12月9日,行业有消息称,全球六大广告集团中的宏盟集团(Omnicom)和IPG集团(Interpublic Group)正在进行合并谈判。若此次合并顺利完成,合并后的新集团将超过WPP、阳狮等集团,成为全球广告行业的新霸主。
Omnicom shareholders will own 60.6% of the new combined company, which will be the world’s largest advertising agency.
格隆汇12月10日|美国大型广告及公关公司宏盟集团(Omnicom)同意以130亿美元收购较小型同业Interpublic ...