英特尔近日宣布推出基于Xe2-HPG架构的全新独立显卡,型号为锐炫“Battlemage”。首批产品包括锐炫B580和B570两款。同时,英特尔也将Intel Arc Control(锐炫控制面板)页面名称更换为Intel Graphics Software(显卡软件)。这款全新的显卡软件旨在为用户提供全面且直观的自定义设置体验。 英特尔最新支持的驱动程序软件包包含多项功能:多功能集于一体、无缝优 ...
Intel has announced their next-gen GPUs, and the specs are promising with features like 1440p visuals, XeSS 2 sampling, and ...
Intel ARC B580 GPU comes as the tech giant's last big push towards making their dominant presence felt in the consumer tech ...
Intel has announced its next-generation Arc B-series desktop graphics cards, based on its new Xe2 architecture dubbed ...
Intel has launched its first two graphics cards built on the new "Battlemage" architecture, dubbed the Arc B580 and B570.
英特尔近期在显卡领域迈出了重要一步,正式揭晓了其基于Xe2-HPG架构的全新独立显卡系列——锐炫“Battlemage”。此次发布的先锋产品为锐炫B580与B570两款显卡,标志着英特尔在独立显卡市场的进一步深耕。 与此同时,英特尔还对旗下的显卡管理软件进行了全面升级,将原Intel Arc Control(锐炫控制面板)更名为Intel Graphics ...
12月3日晚,Intel终于发布了第二代锐炫B系列显卡(代号Battlemage),首发包括锐炫B580、锐炫B570两款主流型号,对标RTX 4060、RX 7600,分别将于12月13日、明年1月16日正式开卖。
Intel近期推出了其备受瞩目的第二代锐炫B系列独立显卡新品——Battlemage,携手合作伙伴蓝戟,在京东平台率先开启了三款新显卡的预售活动,正式发售日期定于12月13日晚10点。 这三款显卡中,B580 Photon 12G ...
Intel Arc B-series GPUs deliver 70 percent better performance per Xe-core The B580 GPU comes with 12GB of GDDR6 memory Both ...
With the new Intel Arc B580 launching soon, the company is also updating its PC app with the new Intel Graphics Software that ...
Intel has announced it's second generation of sub $300 discrete desktop graphics cards for PC gamers but will they beat ...
Intel shares the release date, price, and specifications of its Battlemage graphics cards, and compares them to some ...