Apple's third-generation iPhone SE, introduced on March 8, 2022, has now reached the milestone of being over 1,000 days old.
此外,iPhone SE 4还将迎来一项重要变革,即放弃高通SDX71M基带,转而搭载代号为“Centauri”的苹果自研5G基带。这意味着iPhone SE ...
【太平洋科技快讯】近日,据相关消息透露,即将发布的iPhone SE 4在价格上不会亲民,其起售价将超过上一代的3499元,苹果公司并未计划推出一款价格较低的入门级iPhone。据悉,iPhone SE ...
当前已经有不少iPhone SE 4外观和规格消息都已经提前流出,目前传闻苹果最快会在2024秋季或2025年春季亮相。 对于新款iPhone SE 4也是有不少忠实粉丝期待和打算入手,近期一份市场调查报告显示iPhone ...
Get insights into the iPhone SE 4's expected features, design upgrades, performance boosts, and why it could redefine ...
iPhone SE 4将搭载一块6.1英寸OLED显示屏,并支持Face ID面容识别,抛弃了前置电容式指纹识别,同时也为用户提供了相比以往更加安全的解锁体验 。
WhatsApp users who haven’t upgraded their iPhones in a while might not be able to run their favorite messaging app next year.
The iPhone SE 4 could launch as early as March, according to new information. The budget-friendly handset is expected to ...