"Moana 2," a sequel to the 2016 animated film that reunites the wayfinding title character with demigod Maui, sailed to a ...
Disney's Moana 2 has shattered expectations with a $386.3M global opening. Of that, $221M is from the domestic Thanksgiving ...
Moana 2 is officially on track to break a major box office record on its opening weekend. Per The Hollywood Reporter, ...
The Walt Disney Animation sequel sailed into history with a Thanksgiving haul of $221 million, the biggest five-day opening of all time, among numerous other milestones.
Deep beneath Disney‘s dazzling animation and catchy tunes lies a rich legacy of authentic Polynesian mythology. While Moana ...
Your kid's favorite wayfinder, chief's daughter and Polynesian princess is back in Moana 2, a sequel to the beloved 2016 ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson took time to express his gratitude to the troops in Hawaii amid the highly successful opening ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who reprises his role as Maui in Disney's much-anticipated Moana 2, took a moment from the film's ...
Moana 2, the animated sequel, broke numerous box office records in its global debut on the big screen. See how much the ...
"We were putting up walls so there was no paparazzi, but they got in the boats and they started shooting pictures." ...
WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for Moana 2 Disney‘s latest antagonist lurks in storms and shadows, ...
"Moana 2," the sequel to the animated Disney musical about a spunky Polynesian teenager who embarks on seafaring adventures, ...