Intel最近推出了基于Xe2-HPG架构的全新独立显卡,首批产品包括锐炫B580和B570两款。然而,许多人对于Intel未来在GPU领域的计划感到担忧。据Intel院士TomPetersen透露,在TheFullNerd播客中,Xe3GPU的IP ...
12月3日晚,Intel终于发布了第二代锐炫B系列显卡 (代号Battlemage),首发包括锐炫B580、锐炫B570两款主流型号,对标RTX 4060、RX 7600,分别将于12月13日、明年1月16日正式开卖。
On PCWorld's The Full Nerd Podcast, Intel's Tom Petersen has confirmed that Intel is already working on Xe4 and that Xe3 or 'Battlemage-next' is finalized.
The Radeon RX 8600 and Radeon RX 8800 have both been referenced in AMD's ROCm software libraries, pointing to these being the ...
Intel日前推出了基于Xe2-HPG架构的新一代锐炫独立显卡,首批包括锐炫B580和B570两款产品,不过还是有不少人对Intel未来的GPU计划感到担忧。 Intel院士Tom Petersen在参与The Full Nerd播客时透露,Xe3 ...
此前报道,英特尔院士 Tom Petersen 在作客外媒 PCWorld 的 The Full Nerd 播客时提到,英特尔下代 Xe3 "Celestial" GPU 的 IP 设计已接近成熟、基本完成(注:原始英文表述为“pretty much ...
IT之家此前报道,英特尔院士 Tom Petersen 在作客外媒 PCWorld 的 The Full Nerd 播客时提到,英特尔下代 Xe3 "Celestial" GPU 的 IP ...
Times are bad for Intel, up the creek without a paddle and searching for a new boss. But one new product is making a splash: ...
Because Intel says the drivers for the new Battlemage-based B580 board suffer from "no known issues of any kind." Yup, really ...
While we wait for Battlemage, Intel is already deep into developing Xe3 Celestial GPUs, according to an Intel spokesperson.
Intel Arc B580 GPUs are listed on Amazon following the announcement just days ago. We can't validate the legitimacy of these ...
Speaking on The Full Nerd podcast, Intel's Tom Petersen reaffirmed the company's commitment to its Arc graphics business, ...