根据 Macrumors 最新报导指出,预计于 2025 年登场的 Apple iPhone 17 将迎来多达 8 大新变革。 首先,iPhone 17 Pro 系列机型将改采铝制外壳,有别于 iPhone 15 Pro 与 iPhone 16 ...
This week’s Apple headlines; iPhone 17 features, iPhone 16 camera disappointment, Apple’s Black Friday iPhone offers, ...
Next year could be the year of the "slim" smartphone, with both Apple and Samsung tipped to release new devices with high-end ...
Does that mean the iPhone 17 Air will be a device that makes costly sacrifices on the altar of thinness and lightness? There ...
Apple's first foldable iPhone is in the works, and I think the iPhone 17 Air will deliver key technologies for a foldable ...
Next year’s rumored iPhone 17 Slim could miss out on the telephoto camera lens, which could be a tough pill to swallow if ...
Apple might make a bold choice with the iPhone 17 Slim's camera. The company's superslim iPhone may only have one main wide camera, reports Kuo, meaning it would lack the ultrawide and telephoto ...
The latest reports make me believe that if Apple plans to make the iPhone 17 Air a reality, it has a higher chance of ...
尽管 iPhone 16 系列上市仅两个月,但现在关于明年 iPhone 17 系列的爆料已经不少了。其中,传闻中的一款超薄设计的 iPhone 17 Air(也有称为 iPhone 17 ...
Apple或将于2025年推出全新iPhone机型iPhone 17 Air,其厚度可能只有6mm,成为Apple最薄iPhone机型。 iPhone 17 Air厚度可能只有6mm,有望成为最薄iPhone机型(图片来源:MacRumors) ...
综合来看,如果iPhone 17 Air厚度在6毫米左右,那么它将打破iPhone系列厚度纪录成为有史以来最薄的iPhone。其设计和规格虽存在争议但也有诸多预期,如6.6英寸显示屏、更大内存、强化后置单摄、升级Apple ...
iPhone 17 Air据外媒昨日报道,苹果即将到来的新机型iPhone 17 Air(名称暂定)将成为目前苹果最薄的iphone手机。报道称,iPhone 17 Air原型机的厚度将控制在5-6mm,这于刚刚发布的iphone ...