Animated mainstay "American Dad!" is teaming with Green Day’s coffee brand Punk Bunny Coffee for a limited edition “Good ...
Black Francine Edits refers to a meme trend in which a screenshot of Francine Smith from American Dad holding two shot ...
New “American Dad!” episodes air Mondays at 10PM ET/PT on TBS. The animated comedy from 20th Television Animation was created ...
Bret Hart has shared a sneak peek of his appearance on American Dad. The wrestling legend took to social media to share a ...
After Hayley is deemed a big child by The Lady from The Hamster Rescue Society, she gets involved with two Roger personas who have a complicated family dynamic in an effort to prove that she is an ...
Steve feels isolated when he dislikes a new fast food restaurant popular among his friends; Stan and Francine attempt to ...
The dad of Israeli hostage Edan Alexander of New Jersey says he is hopeful after the new Hamas video of his son — although he ...
Tim Walz's daughter, Hope Walz, took to TikTok to share her grievances at the nation's new status quo. She also vowed to ...