Continuing with last year's theme of why the NBA's doing an in-season tournament, the Inside Guys discussed the NBA Cup ...
The biggest reason NBA commissioner Adam Silver wanted to institute the NBA Cup was to inject interest in a long, arduous ...
The NBA Cup is nearly perfect. Added intensity during regular season games, fun courts (besides the approximate 8 thousand advertisements on each one) and a chance for teams with no realistic shot at ...
NBA 专员亚当·西尔弗 (Adam Silver) 长期以来一直对欧洲足球着迷。在 NBA 赛程中举办赛季杯赛的想法来自于足球联赛既有常规赛季冠军(由全年得分最高的球队赢得),又有单独的锦标赛(或在某些联赛中,多个锦标赛)与联赛赛季同时进行。
Andreas Zagklis, the secretary general for FIBA, said he and his staff would remain in “serious conversation” with NBA ...
自休斯顿火箭队总经理莫雷声援香港民主运动后,美国NBA已经持续五年未在中国举办比赛。明年该联盟将在澳门举办两场季前赛,标志着阔别多年后NBA重返中国市场。 (德国之声中文网)据路透社报道,美国职业篮球联赛 (NBA) 已签署一项多年期协议,将从 ...
Andreas Zagklis confirmed ongoing discussions with the NBA regarding a competition that could rival the EuroLeague.
美联社星期五 (12月6日)引述知情人士说法报道,美国职业篮球联赛NBA已与中国当局达成协议,将于明年10月展开的下个赛季重返中国,在澳门举办两场由太阳队与篮网队进行的季前赛。
It seems that all the talk of expansion around the NBA goes beyond North America, as the league has shown interest in venturing throughout the world in search of new economic opportunities that will ...
FIBA secretary general Andreas Zagklis says he and his staff remain in "serious conversation" with NBA commissioner Adam ...
Now Zagklis has confirmed that the NBA and FIBA are in a “serious conversation” about starting a new European league, which ...