Seattle Girls Choir this year will offer a more secular take on the traditional "Lessons and Carols" holiday church service.
Poem-a-Day is reader-supported. Your gift today enables us to share poems each morning, throughout the year. Thank you for enabling this vital series. The Academy of ...
Popular love poems, from classic to contemporary, to share for weddings and anniversaries, on Valentine’s Day, and year-round. These poems are perfect for to express romantic love, a lovely friendship ...
Whether you’re looking to soothe your mind, ignite your inner rebel or make your heart sing, poetry offers something for every day and every mood. As Dylan Thomas said, “poetry is what in a poem makes ...
The poet joins Kevin Young to read and discuss “I wonder if I will miss the moss,” by Jane Mead, and his own poem “Mother.” ...
End times are approximate. Events may end early or late.
The Connecticut Yankee Chorale is rehearsing "Song in the Air," which has been newly set to music as a new Christmas carol ...
Laura has authored seven books, including Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting and To Bless Our Callings: Prayers, Poems, and Hymns to Celebrate Vocation. She and her husband live in ...
The Blue Christmas and Celebrate a Life service will be held on December 14 at 2 p.m. at the United Church in Comox ...