ZONE配备了一块7英寸、120Hz高刷新率、1920×1080P全高清且支持10点触控的AMOLED屏幕。AMOLED屏的优点就是黑色不发光,所以会拥有1000000:1的极高对比度。Display ...
AlphaGalileo has helped us more than double our reach at SciDev.Net. The service has enabled our journalists around the world to reach the mainstream media with articles about the impact of science on ...
蓝鲸新闻从幸福航空一位员工处了解到,"我目前处于停飞状态,所以没有飞行小时费,此外,基本工资也已经有 9 个月没有发放,公积金、社保处于断缴状态,基本生活无法保障,只能靠做兼职谋生糊口。" ...
2024PCA专业咖啡冲煮大师竞技赛-南宁赛区完美结束,首先感谢所有赞助商也感谢评委老师们和现场的工作人员、志愿者们❤ ...
期刊简介 《冲突解决杂志》(Journal of Conflict ...
The attraction of this fair lies in the strong economy of Guangdong Province. As China’s top economic powerhouse, Guangdong ...
At the press conference, the organizing committee announced four ambassadors for the event: Vivian Kong Man Wai, the Olympic fencing champion from Hong Kong; Kenenisa BEKELE, renowned Ethiopian ...
A French-style living room is set in tianjing, courtyard of shikumen. The exhibition, curated by Romain Poirier of French ...
The Ocean Park in Hangzhou must be one of the best that I have seen.
The Winter Wonderland Gala promises an unforgettable evening, combining festive charm with electrifying nightlife. Set in one ...