塞拉菲尼写本(意大利语:Codex Seraphinianus,也称塞拉菲尼抄本)是由意大利建筑师兼工业设计师路易吉·塞拉菲尼于1976年至1978年间写成 [1] ,页数达360页的百科全书。 全书内容以无法辨别的语言以及文字写成,塞拉菲尼本人在2009年表明该书使用的语言和文字并 ...
CodeX has a simple UI in order to store all your codes written in various languages easily at one place. You can share the codes' links that you write with your friends without being worried about ...
As the city has welcomed more immigrants from Nigeria and neighboring countries, the local restaurant landscape has flourished.