The Constitution of Kenya recognises the family as essential for social order and childcare responsibilities, primarily with ...
Social media as a learning tool for kids offers significant benefits but also comes with inherent risks that require careful management ...
A global survey among 12,000 luxury retail employees finds widespread job dissatisfaction. So much so that over half are ...
Misokinesia, affecting about one-third of individuals, is an aversion to repetitive bodily movements like fidgeting, causing emotional, cognitive, and physical distress.
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Hiding behind their screens, unnamed and anonymous, it has become increasingly common nowadays, to come across young people ...
while the BJP’s emotional strategy in Maharashtra proved more effective, especially in driving impressions for joy, fear, and ...
Children’s mental health was the topic of Friday’s conference at Andrew Langston Middle School. The Rochester My Brother’s ...
Conscious consumerism refers to implementing a thoughtful and intentional attitude towards buying and using goods.
As part of a district-wide focus on improving attendance, Chautauqua Elementary School (CES) students with fewer than three ...
How does language limit leadership? HEC Paris professor Daniel Martinez details how linguistic barriers stifle global ...
Walsh University, in partnership with Canton City Schools, was awarded a $652,707 U.S. Department of of Justice's Bureau of ...