“British Glass supports the principle of pEPR and that packaging waste collection and recycling needs to be ... The trade body, along with several large food and drink producers, had previously ...
Whether it’s Chuk’s 100% compostable tableware, paper for food wrapping and carrying, or the world’s first flexible compostable and recyclable food packaging, our goal is to make products that can ...
The authors of the Chemosphere study found that everyday household items that are made of black recycled plastic, including kitchen utensils, takeaway containers, toys and hair accessories ...
If you are on a mission to perfectly organize your kitchen, you've probably run up against a familiar foe: food storage containers and their lids. A necessity for leftovers and meal prep, these ...
It is early morning, and 31-year-old Daniel Silberstein collects his bike from the storeroom in his block of flats. But not before he has separated out his empty ...
They researched packaging, talked to waste management companies and discovered that not all recyclable food packaging could be processed locally. This led to a comprehensive review of the supply ...