Tiana’s Bayou Adventure tells an extension of the “Princess and the Frog” story from the 2009 Disney animated film that picks up after the final kiss between Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen.
Grammy-winning artist Ciara took a trip to Disneyland to be among the first to experience the park’s latest attraction, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. The ride, inspired by the 2009 Disney film "The ...
a merch shop fashioned in the spirit of Princess Tiana’s mom’s 1920s atelier, which my own mom, who's a dress designer, got a big kick out of. Ramey, dressed head-to-toe in full Tiana regalia ...
13, has a lot of feelings about it. "The ride is absolutely beautiful," says Rose, 52, who has famously voiced Princess Tiana since the groundbreaking 2009 animated film. This week she and her ...
The star who voiced Tiana in 2009's 'Princess and the Frog' reflects on the significance of being the first Black Disney princess, now with her own attraction As for the much-talked about drop at ...
Tiana's Bayou Adventure is basically the same ride at Disneyland and Disney world, but actually one is better. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission ...