Struggling to choose between ACD vs IVR? Learn which one's best if you have to choose and when you should use both.
A Hawaii woman who vanished after landing in Los Angeles three weeks ago disappeared voluntarily as she sought to ''step away ...
After a software program spent more than a year trying 780,000 potential passwords, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal ...
I believe she’s in a fragile mental state and that sets her up for being taken advantage of,” Steve Fischer, a private ...
Christopher Weiss of Seeger Weiss filed the suit on behalf of a nationwide class and a New Jersey subclass of people under 13 ...
These are our 10 favorite iPhone cases that also work as card holders, whether you need something slim and stylish, or you ...
What Olympic Gymnast Laurie Hernandez Can’t Live Without ...
The disclosure marks the first time the agency independently corroborated the video’s existence, more than a year after the ...
Ashley Benefield was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years in prison for manslaughter after judge denied her motions for a new trial ...
ATLANTA (AP) — A judge is weighing whether a Georgia state Senate committee has the right to subpoena testimony and documents ...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hannah Kobayashi, a 30-year-old woman from Hawaii who was reported missing in Los Angeles three weeks ago, ...
From the ransom note to an unidentified bootprint, these pieces of evidence might hold the key to solving JonBenét Ramsey’s ...