To gauge speed, I clocked how long it took each printer to output a 10-page PDF document containing a mixture of text, graphics and photos—from the time I pressed print to the time the last page ...
On the other hand, at least it’s in full colour, and you can at least choose to save or email the file as a PDF, JPG, TIFF, or PNG. Compared to inkjets, laser printers aren't typically the best ...
15.3ppm). Double-sided text printing was recorded at 14.5 ppm A six-page color PDF with text and graphics printed at a similarly quick 32.8 seconds (11 ppm). Copies and scans are lightning fast ...
The best laser printers on the market are those that reliably deliver pages of high quality at lower printing costs than the competition, without causing you headaches. I know because my team ...
The best printers are robust, full-featured workhorses. But that's not everyone needs. As everything becomes more and more digital, you might find yourself only needing a printer in rare occasions ...