A popular anime series, follows Yuji Itadori as he battles malevolent spirits at Tokyo Jujutsu High, featuring vibrant ...
Discover the Top 5 Anime of 2024, from Attack on Titan's epic finale to Solo Leveling's stunning adaptation and Frieren's ...
The Phantom in the Rain‘ is a Japanese animated film based on the titular anime series following the enigmatic protagonist ...
I cannot recommend these series enough and encourage you to dive into their manga counterparts before the anime releases!
This article explores a curated collection of anime series renowned for their emotionally charged narratives. From the ...
Netflix Junkie on MSN11 天
Top 12 Must-Watch Anime Releases in 2025
Anime fans know the excitement of the new year's line-up, where each release brings promise - be it for a new adventure, deeper emotional content, or breathtaking animation. This is not just another ...
Directed by Yusuke Fukada and Veerapatra Jinanavin, ‘Tokyo Override’ is a Netflix animated series centered on a cyberpunk ...
Dandadan made waves with the seventh episode of its anime, seeing Science SARU at its best when it came to documenting the ...
Dragon Ball set the standard for shonen anime. With its high-octane battles and compelling arcs, the series has inspired countless successors while maintaining its cultural relevance. One Piece ...
Great story of tragedy and despair, you'll easily be hooked after one episode. Only draw back, the anime drags out the story line, but just go right to the manga for all your questions and go back to ...