A popular anime series, follows Yuji Itadori as he battles malevolent spirits at Tokyo Jujutsu High, featuring vibrant ...
Discover the Top 5 Anime of 2024, from Attack on Titan's epic finale to Solo Leveling's stunning adaptation and Frieren's ...
The Phantom in the Rain‘ is a Japanese animated film based on the titular anime series following the enigmatic protagonist ...
WWWave Corporation has revealed to ANN that it plans to launch a new anime streaming platform currently codenamed "OceanVeil.
As executive editor of Anime News Network, Lynzee Loveridge has the unique position of knowing what's tracking with the ...
For an anime as successful as Pokémon, it's only natural to have blatant rip-offs that are either distinct or forever remain ...
Dragon Ball set the standard for shonen anime. With its high-octane battles and compelling arcs, the series has inspired countless successors while maintaining its cultural relevance. One Piece ...
Packed with political intrigue and branching storylines, this series makes some biting ... The Witch from Mercury is a must-watch for sci-fi anime fans. It contains all the tropes fans have ...
CyberAgent, Inc. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Susumu Fujita; TSE: 4751) today announced the television anime ...
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord is an ideal isekai anime for the fans of As a Reincarnated Aristocrat since it revolves around ...