Apple's first foldable iPhone might not look the way many had expected. (Hint: there won't be a clamshell design.") ...
A lot of interest has been focused on the iPhone 17 Air, but there are big changes coming to the Pro iPhone next fall, too, ...
By now, the iPhone release formula is extremely familiar. Every September, Apple launches a new line up featuring a standard ...
根据 Macrumors 最新报导指出,预计于 2025 年登场的 Apple iPhone 17 将迎来多达 8 大新变革。 首先,iPhone 17 Pro 系列机型将改采铝制外壳,有别于 iPhone 15 Pro 与 iPhone 16 ...
Apple is reportedly planning to release a foldable iPhone, the iPhone Flip, in 2026, which will mimic the design of the ...
Discover the revolutionary display tech of the iPhone 17 Pro series. Low-Dielectric TEE improves battery efficiency and ...
A minister in Indonesia says the local government expects Apple to shortly offer $1 billion in investment, in order to end ...
While Apple still doesn’t have local plants to meet the 40 percent local content requirement, it does have application ...
在智能手机市场竞争日益激烈的当下,Apple于2024年11月正式发布了其最新旗舰设备——iPhone 15 Pro。这款手机搭载了最新的A18仿生芯片,标志着Apple在智能设备技术上的又一次重大飞跃。更引人注目的是,此次iPhone 15 Pro明显增强了其摄像系统,融入了人工智能技术,极大提升了摄影体验,同时续航能力也得到了显著改善,为用户提供了更长时间的使用保障。
外观设计与材质革新: 第一印象定乾坤。iPhone 16 Pro一改往常设计,采用了全新的钛金属边框和超瓷晶面板,不仅提升了手机的耐摔性能,还赋予了它婴儿肌肤般的手感和温润的光泽。阳光下微微变幻的色彩,宛如艺术品般精致,令人爱不释手。无论是经典的黑色 ...
近年来,Apple不仅在录影功能和画质上建立了显著优势,更在相机硬件上不断突破,如引入大感光元件、高像素传感器、超广角微距拍摄等特性。而今,有消息称iPhone 18 ...
在智能设备行业持续演进的今天,Apple近日正式发布了其最新旗舰智能手机——iPhone 15 Pro。这款手机不仅继承了iPhone系列的经典设计,更在摄影与处理能力上进行了巨大改进,提供了前所未有的用户体验。随着消费者对手机摄影要求的不断提升,iPhone 15 Pro以其出色的摄像系统和 强大的性能,再一次立足于市场的顶端。 iPhone 15 Pro配备了一块6.1英寸的Super ...