One Piece primarily revolves around the Straw Hat Pirates led by our protagonist Monkey D ... Oda has a habit of creating the birthdays for his characters based on their name. As such, July 3rd can be ...
The young man whose name I withhold in this story, is probably in his late twenties, tall, handsome with curly hair that he had made in Rasta dreads that fall down his neck. The day I met him, he was ...
Guy Ritchie recreates the world he established in his acclaimed 2019 film of the same name in this Netflix original ... Luffy (Iñaki Godoy) and his crew of Straw Hat Pirates on the hunt for ...
The only hat-trick scorers to end on the losing side were Ronaldo (Manchester United 4-3 Real Madrid in 2002/03), Gareth Bale (Inter 4-3 Tottenham, 2010/11), İrfan Can Kahveci (İstanbul ...
During her family's move to the suburbs, a sullen 10-year-old girl wanders into a world ruled by gods, witches and spirits, and where humans are changed into beasts.