Holiday baking without refined sugar can yield sweet results, but you may need recipe adjustments for texture and browning.
Being aware of food additives, such as red dye 40, and their potential risks can help you make healthier choices for you and ...
Christmas party season is in full swing, but if you enjoy Prosecco you need to be careful - as dentists have warned about the ...
Tiffany talks with Dr. Erinne Kennedy, KCU College of Dental Medicine Assistant Dean of Curriculum and Integrated Learning, ...
Drinking plenty of water and chewing sugar-free gum may help you keep your mouth moist and comfortable ... You should seek ...
Sugar cravings can hit anyone. However, the market is filled with fruit, yoghurt, sweet potatoes, and smoothies, that may ...
If you see these sketchy additives on the nutrition label, it's a sign of the low quality and nutritional value of your ...
Some ready-made Christmas dinner essentials are full of ultra-processed foods. But here are some smart swaps you can make ...
FESTIVE overindulgence can cause indigestion. As well as taking some simple steps to avoid it, you can beat the occasional burn by reaching for a homemade remedy. If the problem continues, though, ...
Perform diaphragmatic breathing exercises to indirectly assist eustachian tube function. Sit comfortably and silently, inhale ...
Report on how AI is driving market transformation - The global functional chewing gum market size is estimated to grow by USD ...