Rather than mixing Jell-O shots, however, these men were sipping Washington's Madeira wine among other common alcoholic ...
On Thursday, Nov. 26, 1789, George Washington woke early. Assisted by his enslaved valets – William “Billy” Lee and the young ...
President George Washington aimed to unify the country with his first Thanksgiving message. Getty Images Maurizio Valsania, Università di Torino On Thursday, Nov. 26, 1789, George Washington woke ...
On Thursday, Nov. 26, 1789, George Washington woke early. Assisted by his enslaved valets – William “Billy” Lee and the young Christopher Sheels – he powdered his hair, put on his favorite black ...
George Washington issued the first presidential proclamation of Thanksgiving Day in 1789.
The Virginia Capitol Foundation's Christmas ornament features George Washington, rendered in the marble statue French ...
Americans have been giving thanks with feasting dating back to 1541, according to the National Park Service, but President ...
We don't need to find heroes in our past presidents. We need to try to understand that tyranny has always been part of ...
Sylvester Stallone welcomed Donald Trump to the stage at the President-elect’s Mar-a-Lago event Thursday evening, praising ...
"When George Washington defended his country ... the first time he has publicly shared his thoughts surrounding a Trump presidency.