The movie follows the life of Greek-American opera singer Maria Callas as she moves to Paris after years in the public eye. The biopic is labeled as a “creative reimagining” of what this time was like ...
A new study review says increasing water intake could aid weight loss, help prevent kidney stones, and more. Here’s what to know.
YouTube’s policy states that it will remove or restrict content that ‘glorifies or promotes eating disorders’ but the study ...
The Women's Fund of North Carolina awarded thousands of dollars in grants to groups focusing on housing security for women.
The Global Fight League (GFL) is ready to take the MMA world by storm.
As a report says women endure years of pain when gynae issues are ‘normalised’, Lisa Salmon asks a gynaecologist which ...
ENGLAND has one of the world’s fastest rising rates of bowel cancer in under-50s, a major study has warned. The American Cancer Society called the trend a “global phenomenon” and found early-onset ...
Adult star Lily Phillips said in new footage that the day was "intense" and she 'doesn't know whether she'd recommend it'.
Here are the people Donald Trump has picked or is considering to fill his Cabinet and key positions in his administration.
Nine gynaecological symptoms that should never be ignored - The gynae symptoms that are not normal and need medical attention ...
The Royal Enfield Meteor 350 has a 350cc engine that produces 20.2bhp and 27Nm of torque. It has a relaxed riding position, a well-padded seat, and a good turning radius, making it comfortable for ...