Countless Shōnen anime inspired by Dragon Ball star heroes with a deep love for food, and a seemingly supernatural ability to ...
The Dragon Ball franchise is on fire right now, and a special "Battle Hour" event in Los Angeles will add to the fun!
Dragon Ball Daima has subtly shown Goku in his least-used Super Saiyan form, answering an important question in the process.
Sparking Zero community have been absolutely rancid lately, but a huge free update has just changed that. The 3D arena ...
Back in September, the superstar DJ was revealed to be a part of the final Dragon Ball anime on which creator Akira Toriyama ...
Sparking Zero! is the newest title in the action-packed anime franchise, and three DLC packs have been confirmed for release ...
The debate on the stronger character between Broly and Jiren has been raging for quite a while, but the answer is actually ...
Funko has just released all-new Funko Pops based on the 2018 anime film Dragon Ball Super: Broly. See them here!
Some of the most influential Weekly Shonen Jump anime have gone to become some of the most successful anime of all time.
Dragon Ball Daima has been making waves online, but if you've been waiting for the dubbed version, you'll want to check out the new trailer!
Akira Toriyama's reimagining of Goku as an ordinary boy with distinct traits created a relatable, endearing hero in the ...