【环球时报综合报道】日本优衣库创始人柳井正日前在东京接受英国广播公司(BBC)专访,当被问到该公司服装材料时,他回应称:“我们不使用(中国新疆的棉花)。”BBC宣称这是柳井正首次直接谈及是否使用新疆棉的问题。路透社随即也对此大肆报道,并表示柳井正此番表态可能引发被中国消费者抵制的风险。外交部发言人毛宁29日表示,新疆地区的棉花是世界上最好的棉花之一,“希望有关企业排除政治压力和不良干扰,独立自主作 ...
11月27日,第五届山东省新材料产业创新创业大赛决赛在济南举行。据介绍,本次大赛有来自全省新材料企事业单位和高校研究院所创新创业团队的200多支团队参赛,分企业和创客两个赛道展开,参赛作品涵盖碳纤维、先进金属等新材料的多个重要领域,经过初赛、复赛两轮激烈角逐,共有55个团队进入决赛。新材料是新一轮科技革命和 ...
The three main suspects in the murder of an Israeli rabbi in the United Arab Emirates were arrested by Turkish officers in Istanbul, Turkey's security sources told AFP on Tuesday.
Former Minister S.R. Mahesh tells newly elected MLA C.P. Yogeshwar Mysuru: Retorting to newly elected Congress MLA from ...
A California woman who was accused of stabbing a couple last year on Pullman’s College Hill because she thought one of the ...
A quarter of adults in the UK are set to buy pre-loved gifts for children this Christmas, according to Oxfam. A study of ...
The drilling intersected a total of 12.4 metres of densely disseminated, net-textured sulphide-mineralised gabbro, including a significant interval of 3.6 metres of massive sulphide mineralisation ...
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Job Summary: Educate!, an award winning non-profit social enterprise, is looking for a self-driven, highly enterprising, and enthusiastic candidate to fill the E!BA Field Operations Coordinator – ...
The Arizona Wildcats avoided disaster early in the college basketball season, as the schedule is going to increase in ...