Idlewild Presbyterian Church's bell tower will glow again in Midtown Memphis, this time in two-tone LED light.
Dolores Lindsay opened the first federally qualified health center in Ohio in 1967 and led the center until her retirement in ...
In a recent heartfelt message, Prophet Dele Ogundipe of Genesis Global Church shared profound thoughts on various subjects, ...
Cornerstone Chemical Company, LLC and other companies at the Cornerstone Energy Park (CEP) have been busy this fall with ...
The Santa Fe New Mexican is launching its first donation campaign, and we need your help. We get it, too. You have choices for your favorite causes. Our campaign is among many that you've already ...
Plum AARP meeting, luncheon on tap Plum AARP will celebrate Christmas with a luncheon buffet at Palmieri’s Restaurant, 951 ...
The Black pastor of a multiethnic congregation in Anaheim, California, has started a string orchestra for young musicians of ...
Mike Uhila, son of prominent East Palo Alto figure Mama Dee, filmed 'Befriending Death," to help people cope with grief ...
The Covenant Cafe, an early stage Alzheimer’s activity group, will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 3, from 1 to 3 p.m., at Covenant United Methodist Church, 44 West Main, Lock Haven. Volunteer Sharon Davy ...
Northsong, a 42-member choir based in Newport, will present its annual Christmas concerts December 6 and 8 at the United ...
All Saints Episcopal Church's food distribution program, John 6:13 Food Pantry, began in 1990 with Bill Ervin, a local attorney, being one of its founders. Carl Thain, Bob Segal, and Vita Lomas were ...