海外“中医”热,吹到佛慈来!佛慈制药的悠久历史和丰富的中医药材成功“圈粉”外籍留学生! The global craze for "Traditional Chinese Medicine" has reached Foci! The long history and rich array of traditional Chinese medicine at Foci Pharmaceutical ...
China's highest-standard, largest and most influential technology event - China High-Tech Fair (CHTF) is a stage that global ...
A doctor at a traditional Chinese medicine clinic has been arrested over allegations of the rape of a female patient. The ...
Have you ever heard of Chinese magic? Many foreign friends have been amazed by traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese therapy, and wellness practices. Today, we're chasing the trend and taking a ...
China on Friday unveiled a plan to allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals in some major cities, in a move ...
广州中医药大学(Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine),简称广中医(GZUCM),位于广东省广州市,是教育部、国家中医药管理局与广东省人民政府共建高校, ...
恭喜!《柳叶刀》杂志创刊200多年来,首次刊登中草药多中心临床研究!此研究由复旦大学宋莉莉教授和Craig Anderson教授团队,广东省中医院郭建文教授团队共同完成。
日前, 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院内分泌代谢病学科王卫庆教授、毕宇芳教授团队 在《Cell Reports Medicine》杂志发表了题为“ Association of social determinants, lifestyle and ...
这项大规模、随机安慰剂对照、双盲临床试验表明,传统中药复方“中风醒脑方”对中度至重度脑出血患者的功能恢复、生存期和健康相关 生活质量 的影响,与安慰剂并无差别。
近日,“最洋气的中医研究生”无名在社交媒体走红。 A German young man named Joel Mikael Walker (Chinese name: Wu Ming) went viral on social media after using traditional Chinese medical techniques to revive a girl who collapse ...