The debut installment in a new series of picture books by children's author Bob Merz announces Holiday Price Deals on Parker The Homeless Dog, gifting the story of empathy to children's holiday joy.
An original American Girl illustrator remembers the early days of the iconic brand — and introduces a new, imaginary ...
The Day the Crayons Made Friends’ hits shelves in summer 2025 A new book in the Crayons series is coming to a bookstore near ...
In the midst of a housing crisis and a cost of living crisis, Australia is increasingly looking to higher-density living as ...
Up here, above the equator, December boasts the longest nights of the year. So, it makes sense that Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and more, have evolved as festivals of light. Colorful candles, the ...
Taylor Momsen is best known to many as the child star who played Cindy Lou Who, and while some knew she went on to be a ...
Aspiring children’s writers should take heart from the tale of Vicky Cowie. After spending years self-publishing her rhyming ...
The post-Thanksgiving period is the time when the gap between low-income families and those more affluent is more acute than ...
The 81-year-old songwriter and composer is the subject of a new biography by former Times pop music critic Robert Hilburn.