Study reveals book bans in U.S. schools disproportionately target works by authors of color, using censorship as a political ...
Alabama State University professor Dr. Linda J.M. Holloway recently penned two books for children on the subjects of death ...
Seven-year-old Viviana Gordon wondered what Jesus was like as a little boy. With few stories to fill in the gaps, Dr. Kim ...
With topics as varied as Disney's tweens, Wisconsin state parks and the centuries of history that led to your Moleskine, our ...
This blog is managed by the content creator and not GhanaWeb, its affiliates, or employees. Advertising on this blog requires ...
Historically marginalized, children with disabilities are now gaining equal opportunities. On World Disability Day, Ghaziabad ...
The book, which hit shelves in May, centers on Noor Khan, a high school senior who discovers that the library at her new ...
As spooky season approaches, the master of children’s horror recommends creepy-crawly ... 20th-century pop culture might have taken an entirely different course.
Educator Marian Hassan will use a Minnesota Legacy grant to interview Somali elders and preserve poetry and songs used in ...
The 15th edition of Al Ain Book Festival, organised by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC), has recorded a significant turnout from visitors ...
But many are funny, thought-provoking and moving enough to stay in the rotation. Here are eight children’s books that both read-to and reader can enjoy, over and over. Mog’s Bad Thing.
The Gomti Book Festival features popular children's books, culture, and environment themes, attracting families and promoting reading among kids. Apart from the popular story books and children ...