Author Dr. Betty Anderson provides readers with a uniquely creative interpretation of spiritual growth in GROWING IN CHRIST: Images Of God's Message To Us($20.49, paperback, 9798868507199; $8.99, ...
Activities: Women’s Bible study, 9 a.m. Tuesday; MOM House open, 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday and 9-11 a.m. Dec. 7; men’s prayer breakfast, 6:30 a.m. Wednesday at Sero’s. The church is located at 6931 W.
Sunday Advent begins: "Hope & Communion" at 10 a.m. at Community Congregational Church at 145 Rock Hill Road in Tiburon. Go to Thursday Festal vigil: presented by St. Nicholas Orthodox ...
Media-savvy young pastors are launching churches in unique alternative spaces, including hotels, plant stores and anywhere else they can find affordable space.
The pastor along with the members invite you to come and worship with us at New Hope First Born Church, located at 2239 Hanson Street. Bible Study 5pm every Tuesday, and prayer service every Wednesday ...