In the interview with SFC, Stefanie Holtze-Jen, Chief Investment Officer for Asia Pacific Private Bank at Deutsche Bank AG, ...
A 17-meter-tall magical Christmas tree will stand at the North Plaza, adorned with iconic elements from the Harry Potter ...
In the wake of the recent U.S. presidential election and heightened stock market volatility, investors are turning their ...
BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- The central parity rate of the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan, strengthened 88 pips to 7.1894 against the U.S. dollar Thursday, according to the China Foreign ...
BEIJING, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- China's manufacturing sector registered accelerated expansion in November thanks to government policy support, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on ...
锌市场基本面暂无明显变化,但近期下游企业受高价影响,畏高情绪较为严重,整体现货成交一般。供应方面,由于11 月底青海部分矿山已经进入停产状态,预计国产矿产量将继续下滑,加之冶炼厂冬储备库需求仍存,国内加工费或维持低位。冶炼方面,预计11月冶炼厂产量下降,主因内蒙古、甘肃、河南、四川等地部分冶炼厂检修和减产。消费方面,近期部分企业订单情况有所改善,部分企业或因今年过年较早的原因提前进行采买备货。
On December 14, Shanghai will host the Antonio Inoki Memorial Event, uniting INFIN Pro Wrestling, NJPW, the Inoki Genome ...
临近春节,承载民俗风情、象征美好寓意的花馒头成为节日市场的抢手货。在中国的北方地区,素有过年蒸花馍的习俗,寓意着来年发大财、日子过得蒸蒸日上。As the Spring Festival approaches, elaborately crafted ...
合作多回的 Nike 与 sacai 再度携手带来最新联名服装胶囊系列,双方此次推出了包括 5 款运动风格服装,其中包含运动外套、裤款与一件中性 T-Shirt,型录部分也特别邀请到 Tina Kunakey 和 Zakari Kunakey ...
11月26日,中央广播电视总台CGTN聚焦唐山,通过英文节目对唐山外贸转型助推陶瓷产业“出海”进行了报道。节目时长3分38秒,妥妥的 “国际范儿”! North China's Hebei Province stands out as one of the country's largest ceramic exporters.
智东西(公众号:zhidxcom)作者|依婷编辑|心缘“死的这个,听说是要替真千金嫁给乡下离过婚的老男人。”这是国产短剧《我在八零年代当后妈》的一句台词。该短剧在今年春节期间刷屏,以上线首日充值破2000万的“战绩”给业内外带来震撼。在国内爆火后,《 ...