Behind the unassuming exterior lies Nana & Papa’s Parrot Rescue, a sanctuary for exotic birds and a labor of love for its caretakers, Dr. Dolly Rice-Lara and her husband, Ken Lara.
Ashly Cass, operations manager of the parrot-rescue nonprofit SoCal Parrot, said the red crown Amazon is native to the gulf side of Mexico a few hundred miles south of Texas and the lilac crown is ...
This opportunity is provided by VolunteerMatch's partner. Please visit the new page to apply. 34 people are interested SoCal Parrot is a 501(c)3 non-profit group based in San Diego, which works to ...
This opportunity is provided by VolunteerMatch's partner. Please visit the new page to apply. 70 people are interested SoCal Parrot is a 501(c)3 non-profit group based in San Diego, which works to ...