12 月伊始,无论是 PC 圈还是手机圈,各家重磅新品竞争就开始慢慢落下帷幕了,接下来就是凭销量说话了。 也就是刚刚,Mercury Research 发布了报告,统计了 2024 Q3 的桌面端处理器市占比。 AMD 在这个季度出货量达到了 ...
我们比较了两个显卡:AMD Radeon R5 和NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M。目AMD Radeon R5在显卡天梯排行榜中的综合得分是35,而NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M显卡的综合得分是33。通过对比两个显卡在Intel Core i9-10900K下基准测试结果中跑分差异和基本参数信息,可以得出以下结论: AMD Radeon R5 ...
AMD 新款 R5 5600GT 处理器是 R5 5600G 的高频版本,加速频率提升 0.2GHz。1 月 31 日在国内正式上市,定价 1049 元。 京东 11.11 大促期间,叠加下方多重优惠后,仅需 734.86 元(仅比 5600G 贵 9 元): 前海消费券满 3000-300 元:点此领取(每日 10 点可领、全国可用)。
AMD 新款 R5 5600GT 处理器是 R5 5600G 的高频版本,加速频率提升 0.2GHz。1 月 31 日在国内正式上市,定价 1049 元。 京东 11.11 大促期间,叠加下方多重优惠 ...
AMD 锐龙5 4500U是一款6 核处理器,Cinebench 20多核跑分达到了2241分,于推出。它是采用Q1 2020架构,8192 KB制程工艺,达到6个线程 ...
AMD is a leading global semiconductor company with a business portfolio spanning client products, servers, embedded systems, and AI accelerators. Reporting 2023 revenues of $23.6 billion, AMD has ...
AMD said it’s laying off roughly 4 percent of its global workforce to focus on its “largest growth opportunities,” which includes its effort to challenge Nvidia’s AI chip dominance.
AMD is fighting with itself. The Ryzen 7 9800X3D is the fastest gaming processor you can buy, and I don’t think anyone is surprised by that. It’s even in the running for one of the best ...
For as long as I can remember, I've had love of all things tech, spurred on, in part, by a love of gaming. I began working on computers owned by immediate family members and relatives when I was ...