Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world's most advanced super computer.
Clarke works. 2001: A Space Odyssey — a film and novel — produced concurrently and released in 1968, and 2010: The Year We Make Contact, an adaption by Peter Hyams.
Christopher Nolan says that this "relationship movie" is similar in its scope and artistic achievement as 2001: A Space Odyssey - the epic by Stanley Kubrick.
Remember HAL? For those whose memories may not go back that far, HAL (Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic Computer) was the murderous artificial intelligence machine in Stanley Kubrick's 1968 fil ...
These days, moviegoers rush to watch films about battling superheroes, smooching tennis players, and existential fashion dolls. For much of movie history, however, film fans loved to watch epics.