Connecter les bibliothèques publiques, les centres culturels, les musées, les bureaux de poste et les services d’archives Selon les indicateurs de l’UIT, le taux global de pénétration du téléphone ...
This year, the theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) was “Protecting children in cyberspace”. In selecting the theme at its meeting in November 2008, ITU’s Council drew ...
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and its global public and private membership are united in the aim of connecting all of humanity through modern communication technologies. ITU's ...
ITU is a key figure in the history of TV and is poised to play an equally important role in shaping its future.
Lorsqu’une communication téléphonique internationale est acheminée d’un pays vers un autre, selon un usage établi de longue date, l’opérateur du pays qui établit la communication effectuait un ...
Submarine cables form the backbone of global communications, carrying approximately 99% of the world's Internet traffic and enabling critical services such as financial transactions, cloud computing ...
Recommendation ITU-T Y.4226 provides an overview of a disaster monitoring system (DMS) for Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC) and identifies requirements and functional framework of the DMS.
Standardization work is carried out by the technical Study Groups (SGs) in which representatives of the ITU-T membership develop Recommendations (standards) for the various fields of international ...
Los primeros experimentos con transmisiones radioeléctricas se realizaron a finales del siglo XIX. En mayo de 1895 el profesor ruso Alexander Popov, notificó haber enviado y recibido una señal ...
Il faut entendre par «gouvernance de l’Internet l’élaboration et l’application par les Etats, le secteur privé et la société civile, dans le cadre de leurs rôles respectifs, de principes, normes, ...
Driven by commercial interests (advertising), nowadays spam content is infiltrating every media to reach us. Operators, national organizations and software developers provide various sorts of ...