Rima Alaily is using public communications to position the world’s third-largest company as a champion of transparency.
Google has asked the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to put an end to Microsoft's exclusive agreement with OpenAI.
Rima Alaily, Microsoft's corporate VP and deputy general counsel for the competition and market regulation group, sent a ...
But in an email to the FTC inspector general, sent Tuesday and posted publicly on LinkedIn, Microsoft’s deputy general ...
2024年10月29日,微软副总法律顾问Rima Alaily在一篇博客文章中对谷歌发起了强烈的指责,声称谷歌通过不正当手段试图打压微软。Alaily在文中详细列举 ...
微软律师里玛·阿莱利(Rima Alaily)在一篇博客文章中写道,谷歌聘请了一家公司来招募欧洲云计算公司来代表该搜索公司进行诉讼。 微软律师 Rima ...
Microsoft has expressed its frustration about a recently revealed FTC investigation because it was never actually informed ...
三言科技 10月30日消息,当地时间10月28日,微软副总法律顾问Rima Alaily发文炮轰谷歌,称其诋毁微软声誉并误导公众,采用不正当手段试图打压微软的云业务。 Rima Alaily在题目为《谷歌的暗中行动(Google's Shadow Campaigns》文章中表示,谷歌在本周将成立“人造草坪 ...
快科技10月29日消息,微软副总法律顾问Rima Alaily发表一篇长达1500字的文章,公开指责谷歌利用不正当手段打击微软,称谷歌通过误导竞争监管机构 ...
微软副总法律顾问Rima Alaily近日发表一篇长约1500字的文章,指责谷歌采取不正当手段打压竞争对手,其中包括误导监管机构和公众对微软的评价。
10月29日,微软副总法律顾问里玛·阿利(rima alaily)发表文章指责谷歌利用不正当手段打击微软。微软表示,谷歌仍在直接或间接地游说全球各地的 ...
Google Cloud offered CISPE at least €114 million in financial incentives Despite perfect timing, Google says it’s unrelated ...