人工智能(AI)无疑是眼下最为炙手可热的前沿技术之一。无论是科技巨头还是新兴创业公司,都争先恐后地投身于这一领域,期望在激烈的市场竞争中抢占先机。然而,部分企业似乎陷入了盲目跟风的误区,仅仅为了搭上AI这趟快车,不顾技术与产品实际需求是否契合,导致一 ...
Rabbits are energetic creatures who require lots of physical and mental stimulation as well as plenty of human interaction.
11月28日,美国知名新闻网站Mashable评选出2024年遭遇失败的三款颇具代表性的AI产品案例,其中包括Rabbit r1 AI语音助手、Meta的AI角色、Humane的Ai ...
I’ve just spent the past few days with the latest gadget billed as being able to take on the smartphone: the Rabbit R1. I ...
Rabbit is rolling out “teach mode” to its R1 devices, allowing you to create an AI agent that can perform tasks for you. The ...
图片来源:Perplexity据 TechCrunch 报道,Perplexity,这款由人工智能驱动的搜索引擎,想要进入硬件领域。Perplexity 在新一轮的估值已经近百亿美金。Aravind Srinivas ,Perplexity ...
Meta, Rabbit and Bee AI are offering Black Friday deals for their devices that incorporate AI, but there aren’t many other ...