The series revolves around the chaotic, dysfunctional but deeply loveable Walsh family of five sisters, a devout mother and a ...
Since her first novel was published in 1995, more than 39 million copies of Keyes’ books have been sold around the world ...
A truck from the Agricultural Supplies division in the municipality of Los Palacios, Pinar del Río, was stopped by police on ...
But I say there is no need for a tug of war between the two. Baby Jesus and Santa Claus should ride in tandem. A classic ...
The Walsh Sisters, a six-part drama series based on novels by Marian Keyes, is to be shown on RTÉ television next year. Metropolitan Films, a Bray-based production company, has teamed up with Cuba ...
A caravan consisting of 1,500 migrants has embarked on a journey from Mexico's southern border, challenging recent statements ...
A BELOVED Irish star has finally been able to reveal her huge secret as RTE announced their new TV show. The best-selling ...
Ramping up their educational opportunities before the Christmas break later this month, students in the region’s public ...
McMafia indie Cuba Pictures and Kin outfit Metropolitan Films are adapting Marian Keyes’ bestselling novels about the Walsh ...
It was a sunny Friday noon-hour on November 22, 1963, way before social media, that someone who had an AM radio listening to ...
The Walsh Sisters are coming to TV. Irish author Marian Keyes’ novels about the dysfunctional but loveable Walsh family of ...
In ‘Mad About Cuba’, Ullekh NP draws on the connection between Cuba and Kerala. The book is the result of an upbringing in ...