And it will auto-shut at dawn controlled by a sensor. This solar up-lighting option allows you to fully enjoy the landscape in your garden, your pool, or your yard at night thanks to its ultra-bright ...
Landscaping with boulders has become a trendy way for homeowners to add curb appeal to their yards. Big rocks can be tucked into garden beds or used on their own as eye-catching focal points. The ...
Credit: Outdoor Lighting Perspective, CC 2.0 Landscape lighting for the front of your house usually takes on a different form from broader lighting for entertaining. You’re accenting more than ...
Select plants for long-lived, healthy and sustainable landscapes. Create special habitats for pollinators and other wildlife. The Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series (SULIS) is a collection ...
One of the best ways to decorate the exterior of your house is by using low voltage lighting, making it look more beautiful in the dark. Besides, landscape lighting also increases the security for ...
Kimberley Lane is a landscape & seascape photographer living in South Wales. Originally using photography as a way to cope with health issues, she aims to portray a feeling of calm and peace ...
With the best lights for Zoom calls, you can make a real difference to the quality of your video conferencing. Particularly useful for those who frequently conduct external calls with clients, a good ...
LED light strips are long circuit boards with surface-mount device light-emitting diodes (SMD LEDs) that can be stuck almost anywhere you want extra illumination. They’re commonly used as ...