The wondrous story of the curse and craze, fame and fortune surrounding the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Series writer and creator Christopher Frayling retraces the footsteps of the ...
Tutankhamun, or King Tut as he is also known ... He saw in front of him a series of ritual couches, gilded with animal heads, chests down there, a great treasury of artefacts, bits of chariots ...
Tutankhamun's solid gold funeral mask has become an emblem for modern Egypt "Everywhere the glint of gold." This is how the British archaeologist Howard Carter infamously recalled his first ...
A recent analysis by researchers from the University of York suggests that King Tutankhamun's iconic golden death mask may not have been originally crafted for the young pharaoh. Led by Professor ...
A nine-year project has been completed to restore the tomb of ancient Egypt's boy king, Tutankhamun, and address issues that threatened its survival. Experts from the Getty Conservation Institute ...
Since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt over 100 years ago, the contents have been examined countless times. But new details continue to surprise archaeologists.