In US clinical guidelines,10 psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy is recommended as the initial treatment approaches ... Findings suggest that PA interventions are effective in improving symptoms of ...
The present review identified six randomised controlled trials of help-seeking interventions for depression, anxiety, and general psychological distress. Overall the results indicated that ...
Among adolescents, obesity treatment interventions may also improve physiologic and psychosocial health. Symptoms of depression and eating disorders are self-reported by treatment-seeking adolescents ...
Depression affects millions of people globally, with pharmacologic therapy a mainstay of treatment ... there is the requirement for neurosurgical intervention. However, recent data from the ...
This should be tested in a randomised trial in which patients who have a dual diagnosis of an anxiety disorder and depression, and where there is uncertainty about the appropriate sequencing of ...
"For basically as long as depression has been recognized as a condition, as far back as the times of the ancient Greeks, it's been noted that there are some people with depression that seem to get a ...
Currently, there is no evidence-based treatment available for reducing PSDA symptoms. In the recent literature on depression in ... The experimental intervention consists of an augmented CBT ...